
What are the hidden benefits of commercial solar panels on your roof?

benefits of commercial solar panels

What are the hidden benefits of commercial solar panels on your roof?

What Commercial Solar Proposals Don’t Include

Solar panels on commercial buildings are popular for cutting costs and boosting sustainability. When you receive proposals, they usually highlight lifetime savings, environmental impact, and tax benefits. However, there are other advantages that proposals often don’t include, such as how solar panels can cool your building and extend the life of your roof.

The reason for this omission is simple: these effects vary depending on location, material, orientation, and insulation. Quantifying them for every proposal would require significant effort. However, the data from various studies is consistent and compelling.

How Solar Panels Extend Roof Life

Several studies show that rooftop solar panels can extend the lifespan of your roof. In Florida, rooftops can reach scorching temperatures of up to 150°F or more on a hot summer day. While modern roofing materials are designed to withstand such heat, it can accelerate wear and tear.

Researchers from the San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California, led by Professor Jan Kleissl, discovered that solar panels can lower a roof’s surface temperature by up to 38%.

Additionally, solar panels reduce exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which further decreases wear and tear and mitigates the effects of thermal shock.

Energy Savings and Increased Comfort

A 2023 study conducted simulations that revealed solar panels have no impact on the annual heating load but can reduce cooling demand by 5%. This reduction translates to energy savings and increased comfort, especially for large warehouses and office buildings.

While considering these benefits, make sure your commercial unit is a good candidate for solar panels, and explore how to maximize your investment.

Let solar panels light up your business. Enjoy the cost savings, sustainability boost, and the added perks of a cooler, longer-lasting roof!


  • Dominguez, Anthony & Kleissl, Jan & Luvall, Jeffrey. (2011). Effects of solar photovoltaic panels on roof heat transfer. Solar Energy – SOLAR ENERG. 85. 2244-2255. DOI:10.1016/j.solener.2011.06.010.
  • Albatayneh A, Albadaineh R, Karasneh D. The impact of PV panels on cooling and heating loads of residential buildings in a humid subtropical climate zone. Energy Exploration & Exploitation. 2023;41(5):1762-1778. DOI:10.1177/01445987231174770.

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