During market downturns, homeowners with money in mutual funds have a couple of different options: One option is to sell and move that money into treasury bills or municipal...
Have you ever considered all the waste that goes into powering your home and your car? Think about it: In a power plant just 50 or 100 miles away...
Electricity demand is skyrocketing and so are your energy costs. But, you can take control of your energy costs by installing solar on your home.
“How do solar panel systems work during a blackout?” The answer depends on what system you have. Learn your options, the pros and cons, and compare costs.
Learning about solar for your home can help you plan for the next downturn in the economy, and insulate your budget from rising electric costs in the future.
The only guarantee in life is change, and very few things can prepare you for life’s curveballs. Fortunately, installing solar panels is one of the best things you can...
There are 2 main types of solar used in Florida; thermal solar which uses the heat from your roof to warm up your pool or fill your hot water...
For the least 2 years I’ve been helping homeowners go solar all over Tampa Bay. One of the questions that I get all the time is: “We’re in Florida,...